Chick is agressive toward me?

Thank you also much for the replies! I am a girl, and I read they are attracted to red nail polish so I'm glad I don't have any on! I have been handling them a bunch more, and it is really helping! They run over to my hand and chirp at me when they hear my voice. You were all right that it takes consistency and time!
That's wonderful! It's so great to bond with them. :) Another tip I have is to have one name or word for all of them that they are accustomed to and they will always come to you for that word. I've been calling mine "babies" since they were born. Now if they are out free ranging in our huge yard I can yell, "Babies!!" and they fly and sprint from wherever they are to me. It's so funny.
The little chick isn't going to be able to hurt you even if it wanted to, so there's no need to withdraw your hand, and to further put your mind at ease, know that I have many, many chicks who "challenged" my hand when they were young, and they grew up to be perfectly sweet adults. Males and females alike will posture, and it's not an indicator of gender.

When a chick rushes at my hand, either aggressively or out of curiosity, I take the opportunity to rub its tummy. Before you know it, my chicks are lining up for tummy rubs.
Show videos of the aggression. I am willing to bet it is an exploratory effort to get more food. Problem is it can be maintained into adulthood where same behavior is uncomfortable even though not outright aggression.

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