chick is ill, please help


Sep 23, 2016
Just discovered this location and signed up, so excited about your assistance.

We raise chickens, turkeys, and guineas, but this guinea chick problem is a first. We usually purchase chicks, but hatched these after guinea hen was lost to predator.

This chick is 2 weeks old and appeared and acted normal for the first 10 days. 11th day, noticed that it 'wobbled' a little when moving. 12th morning, on its side then when we approached to feed/change water, it stayed on its side and scratched around in circles. Bottom has stayed clear and it drank and ate. After a couple of minutes, he walked, wobbling, over to other chicks. Later the same day, it looked dead...out cold on its side, stretched out long. Some times it was belly up. Nevertheless, each time we entered for food/water check, after he woke, tried to get up going in circles on his/her side. Picked up and held, it moved both legs and looked around appearing alert. 13th day--today-- the same, but takes even longer to wake and not walking around. When we sat it up by water or food, it drank or ate, sat, to do so, then wobbled over to others. Returned hour later and on its side, looks dead. When I opened the box, it woke but still moved around on its side. This last check-in was a few minutes ago..and I am very concerned about this struggling little sweetheart.

PLEASE give us any advice you have....
YES IT IS! Thank you for asking and for the 'new member' info...will do.

After further research, put it in its own box, used thin cardboard 'feet support' & feed it crushed, fresh almonds along with mashed boiled eggs and game starter food plus electrolyte bottled water. Also, a neighbor gave me 2 keets 8 days younger that my sick one but same size. Put the three together & they're buddies. The other keets that were hatched here are bigger and were walking all over the sick one.

I no longer have to use small pieces of rolled wash-clothes to prop the sick keet up to water or food. He/she still wobbles when walking and does fall over...but feet are no longer curled (he got the cardboard feet wet last nights so they are off), gets up and spends most of his time in proper position. Since it fell in the water a few times and is so small, the higher heat level that younger ones need works great for the 'recovering' keet.

Think we may make it! It is amazing how attached I have become to this strong-willed little darnin'
Thank you!

After further research, added crushed almonds & crushed boiled eggs to game starter feed. Also using bottled, electrolyte water & put the keet in with 2 younger keets that are his/her same size. They are doing well together.

Have removed its cardboard feet supports and no longer supporting it with small, rolled wash clothes because it is actually wobbling around to food, water and bedding on its own and stays in the upright position....almost....all the time. He/she is sooo much better than previously. I too wonder if it's partly neurological and still could be a little of the problem. But if it continues to improve with modifications.... we'll go with vitamin B1-2 problem and be happy about the outcome. Thank you for your response.....

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