chick isn't growing

I have a post up about this as well. I bought a cochin, turkey, and turken at the same time. The turkey and turken are nearly half grown and in the coop already. The cochin is in a smaller pen with a 3 week old turken and cochin bantams. She is barely larger than the bantams even though she is a good 10 weeks old at this point. When she peeps, it sounds like she is hoarse, sometimes no sound comes out at all. She eats well, poops, and is active. I keep telling my sister she cursed the chick because the day I picked them up, she was with me and said it's a shame they don't stay that size. I told her she is going to have to keep it in a bird cage in her house!
NoNo they aren't the same, the black is an australorp (so I was told) and I have no clue on the little one. Any ideas? They are about all feathered out now but she is still a runt.
Mine brood is 4 weeks and one Blue Orpington isn't growing. What happens to runts in the chicken worid? Will she survive? Her chick mates are 2 to 3 times bigger than her now. Do runts die early?::/
I'm 12 years late? Guys please I need help, my baby rooster which is about 1 month and a half didn't get no feathers, except wing feathers. He's scaring me..
I'm having this same issue. I got some chicks from Murray McMurray and they sent me a free surprise chick. This little one has not grown or molted any baby fluff. Has legit 2 big chick feathers on each wing and that is it. I have no idea what to do. I watch it eat and drink but the others their crop gets so full they look deformed but this one always looks empty I received them a week ago. All the chicks in that order seem to be growing at a snails pace. But this little one slowest of all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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