Chick Keeps Cutting Head Open Help!!!


Mar 18, 2020
So we have a 6 week old barred rock. She is very dumb and introverted. (She stay outside of the coop away from her siblings) 2 days ago I noticed she had a cut on her head so we put her in a crate with a heat pad and waited for it to scab. Today I noticed she had reopened the cut on her head again. We have checked for open wires and none of the older chickens have been that agressive. I have no idea what to do please help.


Those look like peck wounds from other chickens. You mentioned older chickens are/were in with her - they're the likely aggressors, even if you haven't witnessed it. How large is the enclosure, and how many birds are in there?
They are free ranges chickens with a large enclosure about 13 adults. The only chicken I have seen attack the babies was because my (predicting rooster) got cocky. The rest have had no issues. it’s only her. Should I remove her? I don’t want it getting infected. I heard you can spray the babies with diluted iodine and it will keep them off
those look like another chicken got to her neck.

chickens favorite color is red so they will keep pecking at it over time so best thing to do is to cover it up with something and put some stuff on it to help it heal faster.

best of luck:idunno
Is she the only young chick with the bigger hens and rooster? She is going to be badly injured if she is left with them. Can you separate her in a dog crate with food and water, but leave her within site of the others until she is bigger. Spray her wound with Vetericyn. If you cannot possibly separate her, spray BluKote on her wounds. But please separate her, she isn’t dumb, just a meek chick. She needs to be with others her size until she is big enough to get away from the big girls.
I’ve decided to take her away from the flock after taking a closer look. The gash is way worse than I though. She’s gonna be spendin quarantine with me for a couple days
Is she the only young chick with the bigger hens and rooster? She is going to be badly injured if she is left with them. Can you separate her in a dog crate with food and water, but leave her within site of the others until she is bigger. Spray her wound with Vetericyn. If you cannot possibly separate her, spray BluKote on her wounds. But please separate her, she isn’t dumb, just a meek chick. She needs to be with others her size until she is big enough to get away from the big girls.
She has 5 siblings with her, she has 4 healthy sisters, and one 1 arrogant brother. They are all about 7 weeks around now. She has always been the slow to develop one, she (as the oldest) gained her head feathers after her younger siblings. She has always been a bit runty and that is what concerns me. I will try your methods and hopefully that will work

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