Chick lethargic, runny poop, body heaving - what to do...


May 16, 2021
Need suggestions asap please 😭
4 weeks Polish, got her as days old from McMurray. Vaccinated marek and cocci.
She was out in the coop 3 days ago with three other 4 weeks old chicks, two 7 weeks old easter eggers, and one 10 weeks old true blue. They were all inside together and out in the coop on the same day.
Starting yesterday afternoon the wings droopy, head hunched down inside the body, lethargic. The day’s temperature dropped to 70 (from almost 90 the day they were first brought outside).
The coop has heater.
She was still with the flock and stayed close to the oldest chick.
This morning I brought her back inside. Fed her vitamin water and ran off to get Corid. She was still standing at the time but weak. When I came back with med she was a bit stronger. She managed to eat some corid water mix with a bit of feed. I fed her the same thing again in a couple hour. This evening she was kinda alert but she doesn’t stand anymore.

She seems weak. Her body have been heaving, like labor breathing. lethargic. Poop is runny. This morning poop has more brown to it. This evening poop just white. All poop runny.
I tried posting video of her but it won’t upload.
what else can I do? I keep her warm indoor, with water and food altho I don’t think she is strong enough to eat by herself 😭
Thank you for any help. ...

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