Chick lost its whole wing to a raccoon?


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2023
One of my newest chicks that i bought from tractor supply co was attacked by a raccoon most likely. Ripped off one of the wings. now only had 1. curious to know if it will ever grow back or if she’ll be with one wing for the rest of her life.
One of my newest chicks that i bought from tractor supply co was attacked by a raccoon most likely. Ripped off one of the wings. now only had 1. curious to know if it will ever grow back or if she’ll be with one wing for the rest of her life.
Is she acting sickly and weak? Have you done anything to help heal the wing wound site? Can you send a picture of the wound? I am sorry to say that it is very unlikely that her wing will grow back. She can still live like a normal chicken without one wing though. :hugs 💚
One of my newest chicks that i bought from tractor supply co was attacked by a raccoon most likely. Ripped off one of the wings. now only had 1. curious to know if it will ever grow back or if she’ll be with one wing for the rest of her life.
Wings don't grow back unfortunately.
Is she acting sickly and weak? Have you done anything to help heal the wing wound site? Can you send a picture of the wound? I am sorry to say that it is very unlikely that her wing will grow back. She can still live like a normal chicken without one wing though. :hugs 💚
sad to hear that her wing won’t grow back, but apart from that it’s been about 48 hours since the attack and I did everything that one would do for wounds and anything like that and bought this thing at Walmart that’s called flock reader recover 911 that said it would help and I’m not sure if it has but she does seem more more lively than she did on day one and is getting along with the other chicks that survived. Thank you for your response.
I had a young cockerel who was grabbed through the chain link fence and had a large gash right between the wing and its neck. I separated it until it was mostly healed and then put him back with his flock. He survived just fine. He had a discoloration or scar there but recovered well. It’s amazing what chickens can survive.

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