Chick naming thread!

One of my young roos just earned a spot in the permanent flock by out eating the rest of the chicks 10 to 1 eating mostquitos earlier during "treat time"! Leaving your favorite treat to eat a mosquito makes big points with me! NOTHING stops this young one from getting" anything, especially mosqitos! I dub him.... "Ace" as he has shot down more mosquitos than any other bug killer in the "Black Sheep Squadron". He is a silver phoenix obsessed with killing bugs.. Love him! lol
BUT, my question is: How do you tell chickens of the same breed and colors apart? Luna and Sunshine are rapidly losing the yellow spots and I'm guessing in the next day or two I won't be able to distinguish them!

How do you tell your chickens apart after you name them?

I didn't really name mine until I could tell them apart with their full feathering... I have two who are very similar (Buff Brahma Bantams), but one has slightly darker feathers and is larger, and has less black on the tips of her tail feathers. I still sometimes have to check the other one, just to make sure I know who is who visually. But they do have a little bit different habits and personality. I figure it isn't the end of the world if I call one by a different name once in a while. :)
I guess they won't know the difference if I rename them when they are fully feathered. I asked my granddaughter (6yrs) if we should rename some of them and she said "well...I think I'll just keep calling them their old names." She wins that one! I mostly call them as a group: "chick chick chick".
This is such a fun thread! Mine are:
Light Sussex - Delilah.
Buff Orpington - Honey Buff
Rhode Island Red - Myrtle
American Dominique - Nettie ( from the Colour Purple book as my name is Celie, also from the book)
Vorwerk - Mo ( as I always call her My One)
Bluebelle - Mercedes
Speckledy - Queenie Pepper (she's the boss)
Welsummer - Fez
Partridge Cochin - Bailey
Rhode Rock - Lolly Moo Fancypants.
Introducing my six pet girls!

Rosie, Buff Brahma Bantam, 10 weeks: Her name is after Samwise Gamgee's wife, Rosie Cotton, because she is a mini chicken with feathered feet (like a hobbit with fuzzy feet!)

Elanor, Buff Brahma Bantam, 10 weeks: She is named after Sam and Rosie's daughter, Elanor the Fair, again because it's a hobbit name for a mini feather footed chicken. :)

Mary, Easter Egger Bantam, 6 weeks: One of the three Downton Abbey daughters; she has a fancy white necklace/collar contrasting with her darker feathers.

Edith, Easter Egger Bantam, 6 weeks: Another of the three Downton Abbey daughters; she is the one others push around a bit, but she's adventurous still.

Sybil, Easter Egger Bantam, 6 weeks: The third of the Downton Abbey daughters; definitely the first to try anything new.

Violet, Black Frizzle Cochin Bantam, 6 weeks: Her name is both a character on Downton Abbey, and follows the hobbit girl naming convention (typically flowers or gems), because she has feathered feet also. She needed an elegant name, because she was such a pretty black and white chick.
So now we have:
Georgia - Buff Orpington
Martha - Ameracuana mix
Savanah - Black
Paisley - Black
and tomorrow we will have two silkies!
Cotton - White silkie
Avaley - Black silkie :)
My buff brahma bantam girls are named Rose and Elanor. They have hobbit names (Samwise's wife and first daughter) because they are mini chickens and have fuzzy (feathered) feet!


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