Chick needs a Hail Mary


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I have 2 broodies who are co-sharing a large nest box. Together they are sitting on 6 eggs. Tonight I went into the coop after dark and noticed a smashed egg shoved towards the front of the nesting box. You could clearly see a fully formed chick semi-sticking out of the smashed shell. I stared at it for a moment wondering how on Earth the egg was smashed like that when I realized the chick was moving and weakly chirping. I picked it up and brought it inside immediately.

It appears to have absorbed the yolk but at least half the shell was smashed and stuck to the chick so it couldn't pull it's head out from under it's wing. It was also covered in dirt and poop. It also felt cold. I very gently and carefully washed it off in warm water. Gently peeled away shrink-wrapped shell. It started to chirp more loudly but still very weak. Once it was clean, I put it in the incubator and upped humidity to help it dry.

We'll see if it survives the night. Poor thing.... 😞
Well, the chick pulled through the night. She was dried, fluffy, and chirping this morning. Her momma had hatched a 2nd chick over the night so I went ahead and put her under her mother in the coop. Checked on them about an hour ago and both chicks were still alive.

I did have to move the 2nd broody (Winnie) into the Broody-buster pen. When I first noticed the 2nd chick had been born, Winnie kept trying to peck it with intent to injure. So she got banished for a few days to hopefully break her broodiness and give the momma a chance to bond with her chicks.
Well, the chick pulled through the night. She was dried, fluffy, and chirping this morning. Her momma had hatched a 2nd chick over the night so I went ahead and put her under her mother in the coop. Checked on them about an hour ago and both chicks were still alive.

I did have to move the 2nd broody (Winnie) into the Broody-buster pen. When I first noticed the 2nd chick had been born, Winnie kept trying to peck it with intent to injure. So she got banished for a few days to hopefully break her broodiness and give the momma a chance to bond with her chicks.
I did the same. Separated my naughty other broody to the garage in a dog crate for 2 days and she has behaved marvelously around the chicks ever since.
Well, the chick pulled through the night. She was dried, fluffy, and chirping this morning. Her momma had hatched a 2nd chick over the night so I went ahead and put her under her mother in the coop. Checked on them about an hour ago and both chicks were still alive.

I did have to move the 2nd broody (Winnie) into the Broody-buster pen. When I first noticed the 2nd chick had been born, Winnie kept trying to peck it with intent to injure. So she got banished for a few days to hopefully break her broodiness and give the momma a chance to bond with her chicks.
Any updates?

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