chick not drinking and seems weak.


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Suffolk VA
So my only little slw chick that hatched yesterday morning is standing with it's eyes half closed. It seems weak and i can't get it to drink on its own. I'm getting some electrolyte water in it with a dropper. I have seen it peck at some chick starter. Last night it was running around fine with it's eyes fully open. Any suggestions guys....
One of my baby chicks did the same thing. She was lethargic, not eating or drinking, always right under the lamp. I was really worried about her so I looked a lot of forum and ended up giving her egg yolk mixed with the chick starter. I took her in my hand and force fed her. Then I made her drink an electrolyte solution. I did it twice within an hour or two. After giving her the electrolytes I put her in the center of the feeder (so she was on the food and couldn't get out) and she started to eat more than I ever saw her. I let her with the other chicks overnight and the next morning she looked better, more "awake" eating by herself. I gave her some more electrolyte to be sure that she would be ok.
Now she is doing super great. She is still smaller than the other but she is eating a lot, running around and doesn't seem different than the others.

I hope my post will help you a little bit!
Good luck! And keep us posted!!
Try mixing in a capsule of Vitamin E to the electrolyte water, these two are also used to treat wry neck if you ever encounter that. For both give 2 drops in the beak twice a day for 1-2 weeks
Thank you so much for the advice. I have been giving her some sugar water along with the electrolyte/probotic water. She seems to be more alert and is running around a little bit now. She is the only shipped egg that hatched in this batch, and is very special to me.
Woot Woot, she is drinking on her own, I scared the chicks when I yelled for joy as she was drinking....
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Yay !!!

Mine is super normal now... She is so precious to me because I fought for her to live!
I love her so much!
My babies are growing so fast it's crazy, they are two weeks and some are already flying to the top of the feeder!

Do you have a picture of yours?

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