Chick not roosting


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2024
One of my 12 week old Wynadottes has never been able to get on any of the roosting bars in coop, run or outside apparatus. She wants to get on the one inside of the coop at night but doesn’t seem able to jump up there. The other five chicks have no problem!
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Put a ramp in.
How are the legs looking? How high are the roosting bars?

I hatched out 2 frizzled chicks from some barnyard mix eggs. Neither can really fly and the smallest chick has a really hard time jumping higher than 2ft. I made a makeshift ladder type roost out of branches, she can reach the lower bar and sort of work her way up if she wanted to. My chicken run also has a ramp as the door is up off the ground about 2.5ft. Both frizzles do well, they just need lower roosting bar heights.

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