chick not unfolding

Well, this is not going well at all.  It was enough stronger yesterday I thought we could try the booties this morning, but now it seems dehydrated in spite of all efforts, won't open it's eyes, and generally miserable.  I think enough is enough.  Can anyone suggest a very quick and humane way to put it down?  I might be able to get a sleeping pill, and I suspect a few grains would do it since one half of one will work with a sick kitten.

I, unfortunately, had to do this very thing to a chick with the same symptoms as yours. I found the easiest and most humane way to do it is go to your local auto parts store and buy a can of starter fluid-it has ether in it. Spray a couple paper towels thoroughly saturating them. Put the towels in a zip lock bag, add the chick and zip it up. Ether is an anesthetic that used to be used by doctors years ago. The chicks fall asleep and doesn't wake up. It's quick and painless. I did it twice. Once on a 4 day old chick and once in a 2 month old chick. It's not fun no matter what you do. Good luck.
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I remember getting ether when I was four years old. Not something you want to wake up from! Bleahh.

Did the chick struggle before it went sleep or just nod off? Sounds like a good plan if the go to sleep part is quick and easy. And no, it is never easy, but there is no sense trying to be a breeder of anything if one can't handle what nature arranges for at times. They say she knows best but there are definitely times I disagree with her decisions. Thanks, Carlie.
I remember getting ether when I was four years old.  Not something you want to wake up from!  Bleahh. 

Did the chick struggle before it went sleep or just nod off?  Sounds like a good plan if the go to sleep part is quick and easy.  And no, it is never easy, but there is no sense trying to be a breeder of anything if one can't handle what nature arranges for at times.  They say she knows best but there are definitely times I disagree with her decisions.  Thanks, Carlie.

There was no struggling at all. It seemed very fast even when I did it to a full sized chicken in a styrofoam cooler. Neither of them struggled at all. It's my go to method should I ever have to do it again. I hate having to do it though. I get too attached.
This is really good info, Carlie If I don't see a marked improvement by tomorrow morning I will use this method. I will let you know how it all comes out. Thank you for sharing. The poor things are going to die anyway and there is no point in it happening in pieces. You know you are doing the right thing, even if it is hard on you, or you wouldn't do it. I look for people like you for the forever homes for my puppies.

I think I tend to let my sick ones live (suffer) a bit longer than they should but I just hate giving up on a life you know? :) You are exactly right though, it is gonna happen anyway and we have the chance to make it painless and end the suffering. I have 2 rescue puppies that we have given a forever home on our farm. 10 acres and they live inside with us lol. Spoiled pups! :) Good luck with it. Let me know how it goes.
I had the fresh starter fluid on hand last night but decided to deal with it this morning, when I found the chick was gone. He was still alive at 2:30 this morning when I got up to water him, but very weak after a brief active spell the evening before. So that's done, and it has been quite a learning experience, thanks to all of you that have been assisting with the problem. I have really appreciated your expertise and support.

Re the original curled toes problem Since I was pretty sure he wasn't going to make it so I didn't put the booties on, tho' I had the sensitive tape out and was ready to see how that worked. But I did gently stretch out all the toes and massage his feet a couple of times every day, and they were almost straight last night!. At first they were resistant, but got softer and softer. If he had been strong enough I think I would have tried the tape this morning as the inside toe was still curly. This is a five toes breed and the back toe and spurs were looking ok.
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Thank you, Kathy. Tho' he looked like he had just faded away and frankly, I am just as glad I didn't have to do it. Like Carlie, I will, but I sure don't like it either. And thanks again for all that info!

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