Chick passed extremely watery blood after cleaning vent?

I'm on my way to tractor supply now, anything else I should get? I'm about a half hour from the closest one so it's an hour process and I've learned time is not on my side with chicks..
Corid is the only thing I can think of. I would get the liquid Corid and not the powder if possible.
It is easier because you don't have to mix it.
I just picked up 5 silkie chicks from a breeder around 4 days ago and was told they're about a week old. The 3 smallest have pasty butt which I've been cleaning, but their vents since I got them have looked odd to me it's almost like the edges of their vents are raw and torn a bit. I cleaned one chick up today and when I put it back in the brooder it excreted a small amount of bloody water from it's vent. As far as I know the chicks are not vaccinated and I feed non medicated because I heard silkies need the vitamin that the medicated feed blocks.

Could this be a vent issue as the other chicks are behaving fine? Should I get Corid to put into the water for all the other chicks? What should I have on hand for the chicks outside of Corid that I can order now before its too late if that's what this is? How much is the dose I should I put in the water of the Corid? I've lost 2 silkie chicks so far so this is incredibly distressing for me that I now have a new issue on my hands.
This breeder person...has a website?
I forgot to add that if one does start feeling bad and/or has a lot of bloody poop, you can also give an extra direct dose of Corid with a syringe. The dosage is .1 ml/ pound of body weight, one time a day for 3 days.
I place the syringe against the side of the beak near the tip and give liquid by drops. They can then drink it on their own and I don't have to worry about them aspirating the Corid into their lungs.
Is this dosage for liquid Corid or powder?
Corid is the only thing I can think of. I would get the liquid Corid and not the powder if possible.
It is easier because you don't have to mix it.

I bought both because I wasn't sure. Yeah the breeder has a website but is a local breeder... is the breeder at fault for this and preventable on their end? They have the NPIP cert.
Can I offer probiotics or Sav a chick electrolytes with the Corid mixture since there is no vitamin b? The electrolyte mixture definitely helps encourage them to drink because of the sweetness. The healthier chicks are giving me the side eye with the plain Corid water mixture.🤦‍♀️
Can I offer probiotics or Sav a chick electrolytes with the Corid mixture since there is no vitamin b? The electrolyte mixture definitely helps encourage them to drink because of the sweetness. The healthier chicks are giving me the side eye with the plain Corid water mixture.🤦‍♀️
I'm not sure. I would think they would be ok, but I don't know enough about them to say one way or the other😕
I bought both because I wasn't sure. Yeah the breeder has a website but is a local breeder... is the breeder at fault for this and preventable on their end? They have the NPIP cert.
Cocci are in the environment. It's everywhere, NPIP or otherwise. Are the chicks inside or have they been exposed to your soil at all?

You can contact the breeder to let them know that the chicks have all the symptoms of coccidiosis and are dying. If your chicks have it, it's likely their others do, too. If the breeder sold you these chicks knowing they were symptomatic, then that's def shady. But honestly, coccidiosis is super common. The breeder may be grateful for the info, and they may even offer some help. But unless they deliberately sold you sick chicks, they'd be under no obligation. They probably didn't even know. It'd be very detrimental to their business, esp since they're dependent on your community. It would be very easy to damage their local reputation.
Liquid. I found this post that shows the dosage for powder.

Hope your little ones start feeling better soon!!

Thank you so much for the help! I have one last question haha. Should I be giving a direct dose to the beaks of ALL of the chicks? I'm not sure how to measure for a direct dose when these guys are tiny bantams and only the size of a ping pong ball. I have a oral syringe that goes to 0.5ml as the smallest increment.
Cocci are in the environment. It's everywhere, NPIP or otherwise. Are the chicks inside or have they been exposed to your soil at all?

You can contact the breeder to let them know that the chicks have all the symptoms of coccidiosis and are dying. If your chicks have it, it's likely their others do, too. If the breeder sold you these chicks knowing they were symptomatic, then that's def shady. But honestly, coccidiosis is super common. The breeder may be grateful for the info, and they may even offer some help. But unless they deliberately sold you sick chicks, they'd be under no obligation. They probably didn't even know. It'd be very detrimental to their business, esp since they're dependent on your community. It would be very easy to damage their local reputation.

They're inside my house for me, I have other chicks from a online hatchery in the same room completely different brooder set up that have been fine and have normal poops.

I genuinely don't think the breeder knows as these chicks were probably too young to show symptoms while with her. She did say she has been having some wry neck issues with one of her other breeds and supplementing vitamins right now when I told her a chick from her order I bought died of wry neck. I'm thinking her whole flock has this right now. I'm going to reach out and let her know, I genuinely don't think this was on purpose she gave me 3 extra silkie chicks after I came to get more when one died of wry neck. I don't blame her nor am I upset this happened just stressed since it's been a month of dying chicks for me all with different issues.

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