Chick problem need help!


Chicken Boots
12 Years
Oct 3, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
My chicks are ok except for they have runny stool! And they eat fine and drink fine and run around but there stool is loose. I hope there fine, but I just didn't want them to have some diseases. Is this normal or not? Thanks for your help.
How old are they? Some of mine had runny stools for a little while, so I don't think it is anything to worry about. Also, it could be the food you give them. Do they get wet food, or just dry chick crumb?
Just a suggestion. Go Get Water Soluble Vitamins. Good all round. Good for Stress good for a lot of general deficiencies that are needed. Feed them medicated chick feed and keep fresh everything
There poop is still runny and I think it's just two chicks that have it, but there eating and drinking and everything they should be doing. They seem fine to me. Is there any thing I can do for them? I just dont want it to be something bad. Please post if you have any idea.Thanks!
I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination but one thing I have read in connection with runny poops is to check for pasty butt because runny poop can stick to the vent and block it up. It's not a cure for the runny poop but you'll prevent worse things from happening due to pasty butt.

Also, I use Apple Cider Vinegar in the chicks water as it supposedly helps their digestive system. I've had no chicks with any type of poop problem so far (they are almost 6 weeks old now).
I've checked for pasty butt on all of them. They dont have it. There 4 weeks old today. I'll try the apple cider vineger. How much do I put in? How often do I use it?
The dosage is 1 TBS per gallon, I broke that down to about a 1 teaspoon per quart waterer that I had. I put it in their water always, from day 1. Make sure you use the organic kind with the "mother" in it. you can get it at any health food store (brand = braggs).

Good luck.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :

Is it just every few poops that are runny? It could be cecal poop which is completely normal.
Here is a poop chart to compare:


WOW! Thank you so much for posting the chart!

I've been feeding my baby chicks a tiny bit of rolled oats in the morning (about 2 tbsp split among 6 chicks) as a treat and was worried that it was giving them digestion problems because I saw that one of them had a couple of runny poops.

Good to know everything is normal.

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