Chick Seemed in Distress...Closed Eyes, Panting...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
Hey! I had a baby chick that seemed like he was in distress a few days ago, eyes closed, panting heavily...he still peeped when i tried to move him so i just left him in there over night not wanting to overly stress him.

Anyway, the next day his eyes were open and he'd hobble after the other chicks in the, three days later he seems fine...

Has any one experienced this? Just wondering what it could have been and if i should still seperate him?

I had them on Layena the first few days after hatching...supplemented it with yogurt & soft dog food (dont have a cat) until i could pick up chick starter but could it have been a nutritional deficiency?

Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

Thanks all!!
Another thought...could the brooder have gotten too hot for him? If so, do the chicks generally close their eyes when overheating?

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