Chick sickness. Gasping, off-balance


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
I uploaded a 10 sec video of the chick to youtube. I'm not sure what the problem is. Any thoughts of the issue?

I cleaned off her pasty butt, but I am not sure if pasty butt can cause this?

Pay special attention to the slight gasping action of her beak in the last couple seconds.

When I listened close I could hear her wheezing.

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Is there anything restricting her breathing in her throat?
I looked down her throat with my headlamp when she was gasping. I didn't see any obstruction. I checked her crop as well and it wasn't swollen at all.
Can you get some Poultry NutriDrench at your feed store and give her a couple of drops daily along with getting her drinking water for a few days? Are her legs both looking normal to you as she stands? Gasping can be a sign of a respiratory infection. Is she the only chick doing this? I would make sure that the bedding in her brooder is dry and there is not any mold from water spills. Good overhead ventilation is important. If all those things are good, then she may be a weak chick. Pasty butt happens from shipping stress, dehydration, and not drinking enough fluid.
I uploaded a 10 sec video of the chick to youtube. I'm not sure what the problem is. Any thoughts of the issue?

I cleaned off her pasty butt, but I am not sure if pasty butt can cause this?

Pay special attention to the slight gasping action of her beak in the last couple seconds.

When I listened close I could hear her wheezing.

How old is your chick?
How long have you had her?
Can you post some photos of her poop?
Other than the rapid breathing and her unsteadiness on her feet, it ia hard to know exactly what is wrong without a little mire info as Wyorp Rock has said. Has she had pasty butt the whole time she has been alive? Where did she come from? Did you hatch her, get her from a feed store or breeder, or a hatchery? I would definitely give her water with electrolytes or NutriDrench right away. Pasty butt will usually happen again for a week or two, so she may need it cleaned once a day to make sure that she can poop.

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