Chick starter crumbles to organic grower pellets...


May 20, 2015
Salt Lake City, utah
so I went to get my girls some grower. The store where I buy their feed said on the chick starter instructions to only feed the chick starter through the first 8 weeks. I bought their organic grower feed, and low and behold, it is in pellet form. Is this okay to feed to my 8 week old girls? Is it going to be too big? They have grit. I feel terrible because NOWHERE on the bag does it say pellets! And I'm out of the crumbles now (hence the reason I went to the store today for a new bag of feed).
lt should be fine. Some chickens object to ellets at first but they will eat when they get hungry. You can crumble some of them up at first if you have to, but I would try it as is first. I've never had a bird object to the change.
Thank you. I tried to hand feed some of it so I could watch closely to see if they were getting any. They are so messy it's hard to tell haha. They have been interested and trying to eat it, so we will see how it goes. I appreciate your response.

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