Chick starter

Mine get switched over to layer crumbles at around 18 to 20 weeks, whenever I run out of the last of the chick starter. At 20 weeks they were getting ready to lay anyway, got our first eggs at 22 weeks.
I kept mine on starter feed till I mixed them with my others ( guess they were about 16 weeks old). I went ahead and switched them all to flock raiser so I can feed them all the same thing!! Even after they started laying I still keep them all on flock raiser! I keep oyster shells available 24/7. Haven't had any problems at all!!

I have become a proponent of leaving them on starter feed and adding free choice oyster shell, but that's because my girls seem to do better with a higher protein content. Circumstances may vary and, therefore, so will the feed options. If your hens have access to good sources of protein in their forage, then maybe switching to a layer ration will be sufficient. In either case, you should wait until they are ready to lay.


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