Chick suffering


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
I feel really bad. One of my 5 day old chicks is really sick. Her one eye is swollen shut. I have been forcing her to drink. Even had her drink some gatoraide to get something more than just water. She started to get really limp.

It's been more than 24 hours. Poor baby. She is completely limp and barely breathing. Her poo is watery and VERY smelly. I have her seperated from the others.

Is there something else I can do or do I just let her continue to lay there and suffer???

It is hard to watch her lay there. The others that died went quick...maybe an hour or two. This one is holding on.
aww poor baby keep her wrapped up and warm sounds crazy but talk to her in a soothing voice alot it may help
good luck
Has she eaten at all?
Even if you make up a bit of oatmeal and put a tiny bit on the end of her beak...and see if she'll eat it.
It breaks my heart that shipping is so hard on the little babies...
Ok, I guess I'll be the meany.
If you know she is suffering and by this point, I really doubt she'll pull threw and live anything near a meaningful life, you should be humane and end her suffering and pain. If she is unable to eat or drink, and is barely able to breathe, she is suffering. Personally, if it were me, I would humanely end her pain. Sorry to put it that way, but thats what I would do in your shoes.
barely breathing
swollen eye
not eating
runny smelly poo...
= put baby out of misery

most likely suffering at this point.
I am so sorry your baby is like that, her prognosis is not good and the chances of recovery very slim.
I'm sorry
What exactly do you do in a situation like that to humanely euthanize?
I hate to bring that up on the board, but it's been something very much on my mind as well. I know there will be a time I'm faced with a similar situation.

If it's better to let me know via, please do.


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