Chick twitching head? Please help


Feb 20, 2017
So almost a week ago, I got a baby golden sex link, she seemed healthy on the way home and I'm still not sure if she is, she seems happy, and playful with my 6 other chicks, but she does this thing with her head, she twitches it like every 10ish seconds at first we thought it was just some little thing she'd grow out of, and it might be. But I've started noticing that, one of my aracaunas, Ari has started somewhat doing it! Not quite as bad but she is my favorite chick and I would never want anything to happen to her! She never really did it before now and I'm kind of worried! Can you tell me if this is some disease? Or maybe mites? Thanks so much for all your help!
So almost a week ago, I got a baby golden sex link, she seemed healthy on the way home and I'm still not sure if she is, she seems happy, and playful with my 6 other chicks, but she does this thing with her head, she twitches it like every 10ish seconds at first we thought it was just some little thing she'd grow out of, and it might be. But I've started noticing that, one of my aracaunas, Ari has started somewhat doing it! Not quite as bad but she is my favorite chick and I would never want anything to happen to her! She never really did it before now and I'm kind of worried! Can you tell me if this is some disease? Or maybe mites? Thanks so much for all your help!
It's unlikely that she would have mareks disease because from what I understand chicks under two weeks have a maternal antibiotics so the can't catch it. But I would do some research on mareks disease because what you are describing is a symptom of it. Also you should do some research on wry neck in chickens. Look at a video to see if the twitching is similar to wry neck. I had a chicken with wry neck and I nursed her back to health, so don't freak out. Yes it could be mites, but you would probably know if they had mites because they would have to be super infested for them to behave like that. Just check them for mites. If the twitching is not severe I wouldn't freat too much. They may just randomly stop. It also could be a neurological problem.
So almost a week ago, I got a baby golden sex link, she seemed healthy on the way home and I'm still not sure if she is, she seems happy, and playful with my 6 other chicks, but she does this thing with her head, she twitches it like every 10ish seconds at first we thought it was just some little thing she'd grow out of, and it might be. But I've started noticing that, one of my aracaunas, Ari has started somewhat doing it! Not quite as bad but she is my favorite chick and I would never want anything to happen to her! She never really did it before now and I'm kind of worried! Can you tell me if this is some disease? Or maybe mites? Thanks so much for all your help!

Welcome to BYC. Since two are now doing it, it may be normal. Are they shaking their heads or adjusting their crops? A video posted to YouTube with a link here for us to see might help in diagnosing the behavior.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Does it appear like they have head/neck tremors when they do this? Chicks are susceptable to Avian Encephalomyelitis, it's a viral disease that freshly hatched chicks do contract. I had a chick like this once. It is contagious, however having been together so long, all the chicks either have it enough to be sick or are sick. So separation isn't necessary. Although if they get sick enough, the sick ones will do better by themselves.

Supportive care is all you can do. Raise the heat 5 degrees, keep food and water very very close as they can have a hard time walking. I was dipping the beak every hour and feeding scrambled eggs since this chick refused chick feed. It takes about 7 days to pass and because they are so young, you have to make sure they eat and drink. My little one developed a doughy crop from dehydration but she did recover and live to adulthood and never had an issue there after.

You can read about this disease here...
Thank you so much! Great to hear! I'll look into everything you said and I'll keep you updated if it gets worse or stops!
Thank you! I'll try to get some sort of video up, no promises tho
I just lost my day old chick. She was fine yesterday and today was different. Thought I brought her back only for her to get bad again and pass tonight.

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