
Life is good...
9 Years
May 16, 2014
Hello fellow chicken people!
I have a 9 day old cream leg bar chick that has been twiching her head fairly consistently. Appears to be almost a nervous "tick". She otherwise appears healthy. It does not seem to bother her. Eating and drinking well. Crop is normal appearing. Walking and acting normally. She is a hatchery chick and was 3 days on the way. I have had her for 6 days now. She has nutri-drench in her water and eating chick starter crumble. She was vaccinated for both Mareks and coccidiosis, eating non-medicated organic feed. Has not been outside yet and has not been in contact with any other birds, other then a few fellow hatchery chicks. Is this something I should be concerned about?
Thanks for any advice!:)
do you have a video?
No video, but it it is the same twitch I have seen here in other posts. Other recommendations I have read here on the forum are "give vitamins", "possibly mites". "chick is listening to you" Nothing that seems to fit this circumstance. She is not walking funny or tilting her head to the side or in any distress. :)
I have one that has done this since we got it and she still does at 5 months old. Nothing ever made it better. As long as she was eating and drinking fine, I didn't worry.

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