chick will not stand up

we need more information..

how old is the chick?
what are you feeding?
are they in a brooder?
what bedding do you use?
what temp do you keep them at?
are you giving chick vitamins?

describe the droppings..color and consistency.
why did you treat them for cocci?
what did you use?

check the vent and make sure it is clean and clear.
feel the crop and see if it has a lump..

try and give the chick water by drops on beak and see if it revives.
try and keep it warm..
how are they doing?
is the chick up?
are they eating?
any change in droppings?
any more down?

clean and clear just means not stopped up..a clean vent with nothing stuck to it, and not clogged up..

the vent is the butt.

check the crops and make sure they are emptying..
the crop is a little sac near the bottom the neck, on top of the breast,..when empty it will feel something like an empty balloon..
feel for any lumps or grainy feeling.
(sometimes they eat the bedding and causes impacted crop)

they should never get cold.

droppings should not be green and runny.

please say what formula Corid you used..and how you gave it.
did you get instructions from someone?

please describe the brooder set-up you used..
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All of the chicks seem to be doing fine. I did check the vent and didn't notice anything but washed it anyway. The sick chick got better and I put it back with the others. Some of them do seem to be a little "lazy" this morning.

What are indications of an impacted crop? I had a couple who look like they were "yawning".

I don't know what formula of Corid I used. Someone gave it to me with instructions. I added 10 drops to 1 qt of water. I used 5 drops in 2 cups of yogurt mixed with medicated chick feed.

The brooder is 2 cardboard boxes glued togther. One end has a hole for the light and the other end has a screened top. It's about 2x4 maybe 5 ' long.

Also, I have a Polish that is losing feathers, is this normal at 6 weeks old?
I have been watching them and looking at their poo, they are now out in the coop. But I do need to come up with a plan to get it warmer in there. They stay under the heat lamp and I have a space heater but it's not enough. Could account for their laziness today.

Also, should I check all of their vents?

Thank you for responding. I really appreciate it!
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I think it's too cold. It's 48 degrees here. What do you think? Some of the chicks are only 4 weeks old. Their coop is begin enough to run around in. I would love to have them outside!
How much yogurt are you giving? They don't really need it daily. You can give it once a week to a healthy flock if you want. Honestly at most I give probiotics weekly for the first couple of weeks, trust my medicated food til I change, then any time I do a diet change give probiotics once that week.

At most in healthy birds in a changing situation I'll give every other day. At most. Meaning usually only twice and then I stop.

In ill birds daily if they're really bad, but usually every other day will work.

Too much dairy will be hard on them, even though most of the lactose is already out of the yogurt. Moderation in all things.

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