Chick with a crooked leg


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 21, 2009
Hi - I am hoping someone can give me some advice as to what may be going on with one of my little ones.

I came home from work today and noticed one of chick's legs is crooked. The bad leg toes out and her hock seems swollen. I tried to "roll" the tendon to see if it is out of place with no luck. I could feel the tendon above her hock and it seemed to go straight down like the normal leg. It doesn't seem to be bothering her. She looks like she's limping a bit but that leg is a little shorter then the other due to the angle.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Are the other harassing her? I would isolate her if soo. If not, use the band aid technique to keep her standing straight. Hopefully someone else jumps in and explains a bit more!!
No one seems to be harassing her and she is eating and drinking fine. I've seen the bandaid technique on other posts but I thought that was for when both legs are "splayed."
Is it a newly hatched chick? I had one that came out of its shell with a leg that was almost pointing backwards, and after about a day it was totally fine. I think it was just really twisted in the shell. But if yours is older, I'm no help...sorry!
The band aid technique will help any chick stand up or keep there legs straight. You can use of for a variety of things.
You said the tendon wasn't slipping, but do a search on "slipped tendon" and see if that sounds like the problem. We recently had a chick with this problem and a week with it's leg wrapped in vet tape and it was totally fine. Maybe try that technique instead of the band-aid technique if it's not helping.


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