Chick with broken wing

Yeh, I am sure its a genetic thing. Her mother was the same. In fact she is turning out worse!

I am not going to let her hatch out any more eggs in the future, and hopefully after her broodiness has worn off she will calm back down.
I had a similar situation with different colored chicks in a clutch. The Silkie hen was an excellent mother, and had never showed any aggression at all. But in the last hatching, five of the chicks were pure white like her and two were completely black (the father was buff, so go figure). After they were a few days old, she often chased the black ones away -- and soon the white ones joined in to drive them off! I finally took the black ones out and raised them under a lamp. I think it was the extreme "differentness" that caused the problem. If all the chicks had been black, I don't think there would have been an issue.

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