Chick with Coccidiosis

Apr 24, 2020
So I've got a chick here with coccidiosis and wanted to know a couple things during treatment:
- should the chick be kept warm or cool?
- should I enforce drinking medicated water more than medicated food?
- what are some signs shes getting better or worse?
She has some Covid water and normal water as well as medicated food but she isnt eating. I have to dip her head into the water to make sure she drinks and she hasn't opened her eyes in a while.
Thank you in advance.
So I've got a chick here with coccidiosis and wanted to know a couple things during treatment:
- should the chick be kept warm or cool?
- should I enforce drinking medicated water more than medicated food?
- what are some signs shes getting better or worse?
She has some Covid water and normal water as well as medicated food but she isnt eating. I have to dip her head into the water to make sure she drinks and she hasn't opened her eyes in a while.
Thank you in advance.
Hey, I saw nobody had replied yet to your post. She should definitely be kept warm. How is she doing? Any changes?
We are treating one our 8week old Olive Eggers - we isolates her and in addition to the medicated water we also are giving her a stench of the corid- I posted and below is the advice I was given and she is doing so good. We also treated the entire flock- all ages with medicated water and will continue for the suggested two weeks! I actually think her sister has it to a much lesser degree based on some bloody poop I found and will probably start to drench her tomorrow for the next three days! Hope she’s doing better!


I would go ahead and treat with Corid, it's very safe and won't do any harm even if it were something else. Corid is not an antibiotic, it treats by mimicing thiamine which the coccidia need to survive. You can use either the liquid or the powder form (usually found in the cattle/livestock section) dosing is in the chart below, use the severe outbreak dosing. I would also give her some orally to get the meds in her quickly, do that in addition to the medicated water. Dosing for that is here:
If she is not drinking on her own, try to get some of the medicated water in her several times during the day.
Yes definitely keep her warm and if you have to take the dose of corid in a small 3cc syringe and carefully place it in the left side of her mouth, not to be placed in the trachea. Then slowly release it and make sure she swallows, helped by stroking the neck. Also if you want some food can be placed on the end of the syringe with a little bit of water behind it and shoot it down the same place, again making sure she doesn't choke. How is the chick doing?
Happy to report everyone is doing well- was able to love Rey back to the coop with everyone else and the entire flock is being treated via water supply and everyone is healthy :) thank you very much for your help
I found this thread bc we are currently treating our little flock (of six) for possible coccidiosis. We have isolated the one who was showing symptoms, and are treating all of them with medicated water. My question is, how did you know when it was time to move her back to the flock? I can tell my little Dinah misses her friends... she “calls” for them and tries to escape 😢... she is eating and drinking, but still acting more lethargic than usual 😕 I wasn’t sure how long to keep her separated, since we are treating all of them with Corid in their water (?)
For us, we kept Rey isolated for the full course of the corid drench- which was three days- while still giving the whole flock and her medicated water only! When we moved her back in with the flock the medicated water continued for a full two weeks from start date- first week 2tblsp per gallon and second week 1tblsp. No access to any other water during the two weeks. Which ended yesterday for us. They are all doing well!
I should note that I noticed some stool evidence in a couple of the other chicks but none every got as bad off as Rey— it was touch and go for the first 24hrs with her. Which is why we isolated her and not any of the others.
Thank you!! Hoping my little one pulls through

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