Chick with Croockneck - just need support


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Hi All -

My husband found one of our chicks with Crookneck this a.m., or at least that is what we think he/she has. He is only about 2 months old, one of five chicks living with his dada and mamas and two other bantam silkie/cochin chickens. Nice flock. Nice rooster. But today the hens were really picking on the chick. Through the day the chick was doing alright, holding his head up better drinking and eating on his own. But tonight his neck went back crooked and he was walking backward while the hens chased him from the coop as they went to sleep. We've brought him in and we are giving him some vitamins. Just sad to see him seem in pain or what I assume he is in pain.

My 2yo drew a little picture for him. Hope he gets better soon.
Thanks for reading.
So we brought the chicken in and he spent the day in the tub with vitamin water and special food (eggs, oats, honey, crumble). His head is still really crooked but he is having normal poop and stretches his head out to eat.

My husband and I are wondering how long we should keep him inside. If he is in pain, we should put him down, we feel. If not, how long do we go...

Any thoughts?
My crooked chickie made it...only to be killed by the others when I reintroduced her to the flock. She was fine for a while, then a week or so later...anyway.
It wasn't the crookneck that did it.
She did get better!

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