Chick With Curly Toe and a Crop Full of Water

Turkey Girl

5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Hello! So, I have an Ayam Cemani chick that has Curly Toe and Splayed leg. We started feeding him/her watered-down chick feed and nutritional yeast or egg yolk. Yesterday we started to notice that his/her crop looks full of water. Does anyone know how to get rid of this? We tried feeding her/him dry chick food, but he/she won't
eat it.

Your chick has A deformity, I myself would cull but I’m sure you spent good money since these are rare breed. Don’t feed him anything for a day to see if he empties his crop. If not he’s sick.
Your chick has A deformity, I myself would cull but I’m sure you spent good money since these are a rare breed. Don’t feed him anything for a day to see if he empties his crop. If not he’s sick.

The crop emptied. Thanks for your:) help!!!

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