Chick with paralyzed toes


6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Los Osos
We have four-day-old silkie chicks, and the littlest one seems to be having trouble with one foot. The two longed toes are curled under as though it can't straighten them. And the smallest toe seems unresponsive, as though it could be paralyzed. Any thoughts, suggestions, advice for me? I'm still pretty new at this chick raising business, and could use all the help I can get!!
We have four-day-old silkie chicks, and the littlest one seems to be having trouble with one foot. The two longed toes are curled under as though it can't straighten them. And the smallest toe seems unresponsive, as though it could be paralyzed. Any thoughts, suggestions, advice for me? I'm still pretty new at this chick raising business, and could use all the help I can get!!

Silkies toes are really weird the two toes and the back normally don't move.
Are you talking about the front toes?
Silkies toes are really weird the two toes and the back normally don't move.
Are you talking about the front toes?
The two toes in front are kind of curled under, and the smallest toes in back aren't really moving. Baby in question seems to be able to move around just fine at this point, but I'm still worried, because I'm anxious like that...
do you mean it's toes look like this?
Not sure what it's called but I have an Easter egger (the one in the picture) at first she acted like she couldn't use her toes. Someone on here told me to make her a shoe with cardboard. So I did and taped her toes out straight to the cardboard. By day one of wearing the shoe her foot showed lots of improvement. She started acting depressed and wouldn't get up to eat or drink and let the others pick at her so I quit putting the shoe on. She is eight weeks now her toes still curl to the side a little but she can use the foot. Maybe worth a shot for you. I was told the earlier you start the better chance you have to correct it.

Sorry this is a terrible picture but it's the best one I could get. I gave the chicks some scrambled eggs for dinner but they weren't interested - just wanted to nap. Maybe my little curly toed one will eat some of the eggs for a midnight snack. I'm also going to get some liquid vitamin as soon as possible... I have some made for reptiles, I wonder if that would work for birds too?

Cuckoo Mama, what kind of cardboard and tape did you use for the shoe? The foot is so very tiny... Do you think the tape would get stuck in her little toe feathers? I'm willing to try anything I can to help this precious little one!
any cardboard will work. I used a piece from a diaper box and masking tape. I saw some picture online of people just using masking tape but my girls foot wouldn't stay open at first so I needed something more sturdy than just tape. Yes it's feathers probably will get stuck in the tape you will just have to be careful taking the tape off.
Sorry this is a terrible picture but it's the best one I could get. I gave the chicks some scrambled eggs for dinner but they weren't interested - just wanted to nap. Maybe my little curly toed one will eat some of the eggs for a midnight snack. I'm also going to get some liquid vitamin as soon as possible... I have some made for reptiles, I wonder if that would work for birds too?

Cuckoo Mama, what kind of cardboard and tape did you use for the shoe? The foot is so very tiny... Do you think the tape would get stuck in her little toe feathers? I'm willing to try anything I can to help this precious little one!
Or bandaids instead of masking tape

Thank you so much for your advice! Sure enough, most of the scrambled egg was gone today so I made them another one for dinner.
I got the vitamins today and I mixed up a batch for them tonight, little curly toes really quenched on it which was so good to see. She's hanging in there, but seems smaller and weaker than the others. Next step, cardboard shoe! Since silkie batam feet are so tiny at a few days old, I'm thinking I'll try a light weight cardboard like a cereal box or something. How long did you keep the shoe on your chick's foot? Thanks again!

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