Chick with two infected eyes used terramycin and now worse, need help asap


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
I have a chick that I got from Tractor Supply. The chick is a houdan. When I realized the eye infection after I got it home the eye was extra watery. The next few days it became crusty and goey with clear discharge. I treated with meosporin for about a week. i then missed a day and the eye was all crusty again. So I ordered Terramycin ointment online. Started the terramycin ointment yesterday, did two treatments. This morning the chick looked fine. I came home about 2ish and the chicks one eye was red and closed shut. Second eye was not as worse and it a little red at the bottom. I dont know if the medicine caused this or if the chicks pecked his eyes more than usual today because I have seen them doing it. I now have the one chick away from the others. I have two houdans, two jersey giants, two white pullets. Only this one chick has the eye infections so its not contageous. What should I do for the next treatment. Please help i dont want to loose this chick

Haunted55 the second post the person said they used Tetracycline, should i use that? You sound very knowledgable, please help
Don't count on me knowing it all. I don't, I wish I did. If this were me, the first thing I would do is put the birds on Duramycin-10. it's an antibiotic you can get at Tractor Supply and most other feed stores. The dosing is on the back of the package. This looks like a sinus infection and I'd want to hit 2 ways. Internaly with the antibiotic and with washes and maybe something on the eye itself.
also you could use collidial silver this is great for eye infection. does she have other signs respatory illness or is it just the eye? if other signs of respitory illness use tylan . if its only a eye infection id try the silver its wonderful for eye infection. id give the silver a try

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Something i just got from a friend....are you able to get boric acid powder? If so, 1 qt. boiled water, add 1 tbls. boric acid powder, 1/8-1/4 tsp. baking soda. Use this as a wash and compress 2 x's daily.

2 tbls. vaseline add in 1-2 drops of betadine. Use on eye.
A Haunter run a'fowl

You could also try either one of these for the outside of the bird.
Ok im going to go get that tonight! i sure hope this helps the chick. Thank You so much

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