Chick with Wry Neck distress chirping. Please help.

I agree, sounds like wry neck. My faverolle presented with symptoms at three weeks old and she also did the head shaking-seizure looking thing. She also had her head between her feet most of the time but would have good normal moments when I would think that she's all better. I didn't see any real improvement until about 2.5 weeks after I started her with the vitamins, then it was a gradual improvement and I put her back with the others after three weeks of being inside by herself - but I had to do the "look, don't touch" method because they had forgotten her and sensed that she was not quite right. To this day, she will have little relapses, nothing severe, but just enough to cause her to stand out from the others so she is lowest on the pecking order.
I used poly-vi-sol without iron and nutridrench to help get her thru the wry neck. But she needed help eating & drinking for a couple weeks, then started doing it on her own. It's a really odd thing to deal with, but at least there's a good chance of recovery. Good luck!
No I am located in Washington State. I will update. somebody above mentioned newcastle. She has similar symptoms. Im still leaning towards it being Wry Neck, she just doesn't seem to be getting much better at all which I know not to expect because she only had treatment for 24 hours.

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