Chicken about to die?

No on doing a finger exam, but that's just me. Most of the time the stuck egg is farther up the oviduct than a finger sweep could detect. It also risks injuring the hen. The benefits of a finger exam do not come close to outweighing the risks. At least this has been my own experience.

If this is a sudden development and not a progressively deteriorating condition, meaning she has been acting fine up until now, I would treat for egg binding with a calcium citrate tablet to encourage contractions. This is what to buy. But do treat her immediately with the sugar solution to stabilize her.

Even though she hasn't been a recent layer, she may still have ovulated and the egg could be stuck because it lacks a hard shell. It can't hurt to try the calcium if you suspect a blockage in the oviduct.

This is really your call. You have been observing her and know which of the possible causes for her decline comes closest to being the right diagnosis.
She stopped laying eggs when she was 2 after she had a reproductive egg. Her discharge is very watery but i have not noticed a bad smell. What condition do you think she could have? Also how does the water with sugar, salt, and baking soda help? Thank you so much for your response!!!
Do you mean that she laid a lash egg when she was 2? She may have one of those stuck. Those may be inside the abdomen, but can also get stuck in the oviduct. I would give the calcium orally that azygous recommended.
Do you mean that she laid a lash egg when she was 2? She may have one of those stuck. Those may be inside the abdomen, but can also get stuck in the oviduct. I would give the calcium orally that azygous recommended.
I gave her a warm bath and she seems more alert and was drying herself off. She hasn’t laid an egg yet but I am watching. Any other advice? Thanks!
Do not do any more baths or soaks if she seems weak or worn out, since it can push them over the edge. Keep her calm and give her another calcium tablet or Tums after 24 hours if she is still acting egg bound. Is she drinking some fluids and eating?
It is important to keep her backside clean to avoid flystrike.

After three years of not laying eggs I don't expect her to be eggbound. But she might have been laying shell-less eggs internally which have been accumulating in her abdominal cavity.

How does her lower abdomen look and feel. Is it swollen, hard or rather squishy like a waterfilled balloon?

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