Chicken acting strange, HELP!


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 2, 2009
I noticed yesterday when I offered vegetables to the chickens that one of the chickens just stood on the roost and would not come down. I went to the chicken and offered it to her. She just stood stiff and would not move her head at all. Then when the chickens were going to roost in the coop at night , she was still outside on a roost, standing. My husband went in and picked her up to move her inside and she was stiff, he turned her on her side and she just layed in his hand. He put her on the roost in the coop and she stayed there.
This morning she came back out, but most of the day she has still been very quiet and has stood on the outside roost. I tried to feed her yogurt mixed with some flax meal and she would not take any of it. I did see her, down off the roost for a bit, but I can't tell if she is eating and I haven't seen her poo. She has most of the day just stayed on the outside roost and a lot of the time she is standing still.

She is a Brown Leghorn, about 26 weeks. She has layed some eggs but not regularly.

I am new to raising chickens, I don't want any of the other chickens to get something. Should I move her out of the coop? Any suggestions of what could be going on, please!!!
I would move her out of the coop and keep her in the house, in a large box or crate for a day or 2 so you can monitor how she acts, how much she eats and drinks and what her poo looks like. An old towel will do for bedding.

When you know how much she is eating and drinking and what her poo looks like post back and we can try to figure out what is going on.

Thanks! I watched her this morning when I gave them some hen scratch and she was moving more and actually ate some from the roost. I think I'll keep a watch on her and see if it was just some strange thing for a couple of days. I wondered if she could have a backed up egg? She still hasn't layed any in the past few days.
Whatever was wrong with your brown leghorn? I have one that is acting that way too. Funny thing, she is about the same age as yours was. Did she get better? Mine acts like she is in a trans. She isn't laying and is very quiet. Just standing still. Thanks.

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