Chicken acting strange in Extreme cold


Jan 29, 2015
Hi All!
I have a blue andalusian chicken who is not acting herself today… She is lying on the floor of the coop and seems a lot more subdued than normal. It is really cold here. 7 degrees with a windchill of -10 ( I am in NY). Her comb is very pale and might be starting to get a little discoloration. Should I bring her inside? Will it be too warm inside the house for her? Anything I should do or give her? I think she is affected worse than the others by this cold. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I just logged on to get advice for the same problem! I'm also in NY (Rochester, similar temps to what you stated) and my buff Brahma is listless, tail tucked, eyes closed. I tried her with some kefir, and some warm oatmeal. I just e-mailed my best "chicken guy" for advice - I'll pass it on if he replies.

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