In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 30, 2012
I have small flock of Buff Orpington hens with 1 rooster. Earlier in this week I had a hen that just wasn't acting right: walking slow and looked like a little stiff and her legs also had a light bluish tint. The next afternoon she was laying down and wouldn't get up when I walked in with feed. When I checked her , her legs were stiff with the bluish tint still to her legs. She died. All others still look good and act fine. Does anyone know what this is or have had same experience? Thanks for any help.
Perhaps she was low on oxygen. Did she have paleness or bluing of her comb? Do you think she could have been egg bound? Hens can die quickly of heart problems, liver, and kidney disease--so many things. Many times it is hard to tell. Some people elect to do a necropsy to look at the internal organs. You have to go back over symptoms sometimes to guess the cause of death. The heat can really take a toll on chickens right now. They need extra shade and plenty of cool water throughout the day.

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