Chicken Anarchy!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Venango, PA
My husband and I moved our chicks (5 and 6 weeks) to the coop on Saturday. We left them in for 2 days and nights before we let them out to free range. They were perfectly fine for those 2 days. After we let them free range I found them in the mornings pressed up against every door and window. And last night when we went to close them in after being out all day we had chicken anarchy! for each one we helped in 2 would come out and then when we got the doors shut they all started clawing and pecking at the doors and windows! What is happening?! I am hoping it was just a bit of "teenage" rebellion and not ready for bed!
Sometimes new chicks to the coop need to be enclosed in that coop for anywhere from 1-2 weeks. This way they "know" that the coop is their home and safe place. Good luck..."teenagers" can be a pain in the patootie!!
Thanks so much for your help! They've been doing a lot better. My hubby loves having them in the yard and has still been letting them out but we've been limiting it to a few hours at the end of the day. He is very protective of them haha and I'm wondering at what age will they be ok to be left alone for more than a quick trip inside. Their coop is surrounded by apple trees but the rest of the yard is pretty open.
I think I lucked out with my chicks learning some behaviors from the lone hen I have. In the morning though, around 5:30 - 6, I can already hear them waiting for me to open up the door. As soon as that coop door is open, it's a mad dash to get out. Get to where? I have no clue other than out.

And then at night... well, I've never tried to put my chicks inside at night. They just.... go in. When it get's dark....ish. So about 8:30 now they head back into their run, so I shut that door, and then by about 8:45 or 9 they'll all be inside and I shut the coop door.

Sounds like it might take a bit longer for them to learn, but around when in the evening have you been trying to put them in?
My girls behaviour seems typical to me and much how you describe tomarcs. Waiting and constantly chatting saying "Ready to get out now!" I think I may spoil them too much though. If they are in the coop at night and it's not completely dark, they come out as soon as they hear me coming to close the coop. I have to get in the run and shut the door before they can pile out. I normally have to put one or two back in. They think the treat train is coming. I don't mind it though, but it makes me laugh.
My girls behaviour seems typical to me and much how you describe tomarcs. Waiting and constantly chatting saying "Ready to get out now!" I think I may spoil them too much though. If they are in the coop at night and it's not completely dark, they come out as soon as they hear me coming to close the coop. I have to get in the run and shut the door before they can pile out. I normally have to put one or two back in. They think the treat train is coming. I don't mind it though, but it makes me laugh.
I know exactly what you mean about the treat train! They'll all seem to be nestled inside the coop, but as soon as they hear me slide the house door open BAM! There's three outside the run, and they're climbing up the stairs of the porch to see what I'm up to. Just keep your patience, eventually they'll learn.

Thinking of treats though, have you tried luring them into the run or coop with treats? I haven't done this, so don't know if it'd be a bad behavior to start - expecting treats at bed time.
They're doing much better now and went in quietly by themselves last night. DH wanted to go in early that night and didn't want to leave them out alone so it was about 7. Problem with the treats is that he use treats to lure them down the ramp so they knew how to get out it's more of a game for them. They like to jump out the side door that is 2 ft off the ground and run back up the ramp to do it again. My poor golden retriever doesn't know what to think of if haha!
They're doing much better now and went in quietly by themselves last night. DH wanted to go in early that night and didn't want to leave them out alone so it was about 7. Problem with the treats is that he use treats to lure them down the ramp so they knew how to get out it's more of a game for them. They like to jump out the side door that is 2 ft off the ground and run back up the ramp to do it again. My poor golden retriever doesn't know what to think of if haha!

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