Chicken ate cat food...

Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Sequim, WA
I hope this is the right section to post this. My sisters chickens have been getting into the cat food and she would like to know if it will affect the eggs at all. I think she may be talking about the taste.

Also, she would like to know if you need to wash eggs with anything special.
I always thought that you didn't wash the eggs unless they had poo on them and then you would use plain water.
Since I'm still a newbie I figured I would ask you experts on her behalf.

Thank in advance!
Occasional treats of cat food won't hurt them. I gave mine some on purpose today because the high protein of cat food helps grow feathers and my hens are molting.
When I get an egg that is slightly dirty I wash it in plain water, as hot of water as I can stand. This helps push any dirt up and out thru the pores in the shell.
If they are not dirty I don't wash them at all. I refrigerate because I have a rooster and the eggs are fertile.
When I get a really poopy egg (happens occasionally) I give it to the dog. I'm freaky about that.

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