Chicken ate decayed meat

Twitchy Bee

In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2017
My neighbor traps fox and throws their carcasses outside of his shed to rot. The bodies have been rotting for at least 1mth and a half. My chickens went over there and may have eaten some. My one hen was hiding in the corner of the yard trembling a bit, smells like fox, her eyes were drooping closed, and water came out her tush. She wouldn't come when called and didn't run for treats. What should I do?
My neighbor traps fox and throws their carcasses outside of his shed to rot. The bodies have been rotting for at least 1mth and a half. My chickens went over there and may have eaten some. My one hen was hiding in the corner of the yard trembling a bit, smells like fox, her eyes were drooping closed, and water came out her tush. She wouldn't come when called and didn't run for treats. What should I do?
I bet they were just after the maggots!
Going with molasses maybe. I did buy epsom in case of this. Maybe ill isolate and put it in her drinking water so I dont aspirate her. Ill put a tarp over the carcasses. They were snowed and rained on. I'm afraid she will die. She hates when I touch her but she let me pick her up and hold her. I'm pissed at my neighbor.
Feeding chickens maggots can result in them getting botulism. The maggots ingest the tainted meat, the chickens eat the maggots, and the botulism toxin comes with the maggots. The same thing can also happen with meal worms.
Its waaaaaay too cold for there to be maggots. He leaves the carcasses sitting in a bucket. His has snowed and then rained for two days and warmed enough for the carcasses to smell to high heaven. But no insects on them.
I'm just reminded of the last nasty rabbit my cat drug into his house of horrors storage shed by your description of the disposal method. I usually only find them when my nose knows they are there!

Regardless I think you are doing all the right things, I wish you the best!
I really hope that your chickens get over eating the rotten meat. I would make sure they are drinking and offer some wet chicken feed and some chopped egg or rinsed canned tuna. Hopefully, their symptoms are only temporary. My dogs have gotten into some really bad things around our far, but chickens can be more unpredictable.
I really hope that your chickens get over eating the rotten meat. I would make sure they are drinking and offer some wet chicken feed and some chopped egg or rinsed canned tuna. Hopefully, their symptoms are only temporary. My dogs have gotten into some really bad things around our far, but chickens can be more unpredictable.
I will do that. She was acting so weird and stunk to high heaven like a dead fox. Hopefully she will be better in the morning. Ill feed her the egg and maybe Epsom if she still looks out of it.

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