Chicken ate plastic from a plant marker!!


Jul 19, 2021

Yesterday around 5:30pm one of my 11 month old chickens ate a piece of a plastic plant marker. By the time I realized she had it I had grabbed it from her but she ripped the end off and swallowed it whole.

It was about the size of a dime which is still quite a bit. However, I think the more serious part is that the plastic was very stiff and quite sharp.

I’ve been monitoring her since I came back from school. She appears to be fine and has been eating and still laid an egg. However, I’m still a bit unsure.

Yesterday I tried giving her some grit. Today I gave her some mushed up food mixed with water. When I came home I tried checking some of her poop (that I could find) and her butt for plastic. There was none there. A while after I gave her the crushed food mixed with water she released some clear liquid with small amounts of soft feces.

I heard this may be due to the amount of water or a crop obstruction. I was considering waiting it out or possibly trying to clear her crop by trying to get her to vomit it out. However, I’m not sure if this would only hurt her more. Im not really sure what would be best. Therefore, I was wondering if I could get any more advice on what to do.

Apologies for the long message. Thank you for your time!
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My rooster once ate a piece of a popped water balloon 🎈

Scared me but he was fine. After that I made sure the kids picked up all the pieces after their water balloon fights!
She will probably be fine. I would not try to make her vomit. At this point, it has probably moved beyond the crop. Just make sure she has access to grit and she will eat what she needs. One of my hens grabbed an earring out of my ear 😒 over 18 months ago and swallowed it. Very scary, but there were no ill effects.
It'll almost certainly show up. One of mine ate a dayglow orange marble and I saw it in the grass a week later after a hard rain washed it off.
Ah I see! Im glad you were able to find the marble and your chickens were okay!! Thank you! :)
My rooster once ate a piece of a popped water balloon 🎈

Scared me but he was fine. After that I made sure the kids picked up all the pieces after their water balloon fights!
Im glad he was okay!! :D I’ll be sure to remember that next time we do a water balloon fight. ;’w’ Thank you!
She will probably be fine. I would not try to make her vomit. At this point, it has probably moved beyond the crop. Just make sure she has access to grit and she will eat what she needs. One of my hens grabbed an earring out of my ear 😒 over 18 months ago and swallowed it. Very scary, but there were no ill effects.
Thank you!! I’ll be sure to watch her and give her plenty of grit! :) Oh man, that’s definitely a scary experience. That almost happened to me too…. ;’^’ I’m glad your chickens were okay!! :D

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