Chicken attack! Help!


5 Years
Dec 12, 2014
Kelly, NC
I found my poor easter egger hen with a horrible wound on the back of her head! Something must have gotten her at night through the window I'm thinking .. I think it was a coon . she was still alive when I found her acting like nothing ever happened in believe she was in shock..I had my husband put her down I've never dealt with a chicken injury before and u could see her skull so I figured the poor thing didn't need to go through anymore ..thoughts on the culprit??
It could have been a predator if the coop isn't completely predator proof, but those types of injuries may also occur when they are attacked by another chicken, such as a rooster. They can recover from such injuries with a few weeks of wound care many times, especially if they are alert and active. Raccoons, weasels, oppossums, rats, feral cats, dogs, and coyotes are typical predators. Look around for any holes or openings in your coop walls or floor. Half inch hardware cloth will keep most predators out of coops. Sorry for your loss.
No roosters all hens that I raised from babies .. I'm thinking it was a racoon that tached through the window of my chicken tractor they sleep very close to it on the roost I kept it open thinking they'd get too hot at night they get closed up !
I had four and now only three. In my case, the hen just vanished into thin air. We think a hawk got her but I can't say with 100% certainty. :(

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