Chicken behavior


In the Brooder
Jul 27, 2015
Camarillo CA
Ok we as you may no are new to having chickens we got four babies about 5 weeks old July 3rd , that we gave lots of love to every night we would go out there and they would all cuddle up with us became a nightly routine , and during morning and afternoon , we would spend time with them and still do......than we found out one of our babies was a 'he" and we had to find a new home as we are not aloud to have a rooster :( this past weekend we got to new babies about 5 weeks old , and oh how things have changed my 3 older girls are chasing doing a little pecking at them and they are so jealous when the babies are on us at night , it becomes a battle.... which makes me sad for are original 3 girls ....I no we sound crazy..... people we talk to think they are "just" chickens but they have become are pets, and they love when we come sit with them , im just worried about the chasing and jealousy with these new babies here, and one of the babies is so scared i can really only hold her a night ..... So my question will this pass and they all just live happily :))) ...... yes im the crazy chicken lady I love my chickens they are so entertaining and they are so loving who new :)
You need to start over - using a good integration procedure. New & old will always fight - chickens have a very definite pecking order - which is where the term originates.
When new birds are added, there is a major shake-up. New birds can be bullied, bloodied up or worse, and not allowed to use feeder/water bowl. Not at all like a visit from the Welcome Wagon.

Please put "Integration Practices," in the search box. The "look but not touch," procedure is probably the best to follow. Welcome to Backyard chickens
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Drumstick has taken the word right out of my mouth. You need to start over with the younger separated but so they are still next to each other and can see. This way they can become acquainted but not do any damage. Once all your birds are grown and of the same size I would start the integration process as drumstick suggested. Here is a nice article on getting everyone together ~

Wishing you the very best of luck in getting all your birds together.

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