Chicken Behavior


In the Brooder
Jul 27, 2015
Camarillo CA
Ok we as you may no are new to having chickens we got four babies about 5 weeks old July 3rd , that we gave lots of love to every night we would go out there and they would all cuddle up with us became a nightly routine , and during morning and afternoon , we would spend time with them and still do......than we found out one of our babies was a 'he" and we had to find a new home as we are not aloud to have a rooster :( this past weekend we got to new babies about 5 weeks old , and oh how things have changed my 3 older girls are chasing doing a little pecking at them and they are so jealous when the babies are on us at night , it becomes a battle.... which makes me sad for are original 3 girls ....I no we sound crazy..... people we talk to think they are "just" chickens but they have become are pets, and they love when we come sit with them , im just worried about the chasing and jealousy with these new babies here, and one of the babies is so scared i can really only hold her a night ..... So my question will this pass and they all just live happily :))) ...... maybe we started something we shouldn't have??? im the crazy chicken lady I love my chickens they are so entertaining and they are so loving who new :)
I only add new birds when they are close in size to the resident birds. Did you separate the chicks from the older ones so they could get used to seeing each other? Chickens are territorial and as a rule do not like strangers. The pecking and chasing is normal. Your older birds are showing the newcomers who is boss.
Ok well we tired separating them the first day but the older ones got in the other coop so we decided to just let them stay together ......I thought maybe since they were littler it wouldn't be an issue i mean they are only about 2 months older than the new babies .....but my older girls are showing whose boss that's for sure :) i just feel bad for the little and older , older cause they are jealous of babies and the babies cause i wanna be able to love on them like we did the olders :))))
I understand all too well. Lol...I've got babies that have done the same thing except as they got older and we integrated new babies they slowed down "cuddle" time so I make sure to pick them up and talk to them everyday. The babies always seem to want to cuddle and jump on me. I have my 6yr old rock that just likes to be talked to
You'll find what they like and when you add new babies there is always a 2wk time frame while they are trying to figure out Thier pecking order and you shouldn't interrupt that. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a scared chicken. One that always hides in the coop or runs a round like a crazy thing. Just give it time and things Will calm down.
ok well that makes me feel better not ever have chickens this is all new,...... aww that means my olders wont want to cuddle some day :( ok well i will just keep doing what we are and wont force anything, just let them tell me i guess.....At night seems to be the hardest cause they all want to cuddle, trying to cuddle five chicks is tough :) thank you

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