Chicken bites bare hands


Jun 8, 2015
My hen loves to snuggle with me when I have gloves on, but bites if she sees bare hands. This wasn't a problem until I recently came back from a vacation. Any advice?
They will bite at freckles, scabs or spots....
....'peck' her on the head, with the end of your finger, when she does it and tell her no.
Actually, she aggressively bites to the point where she bruises me. She's a strange thing though, she now accepts my left hand but still savagely attacks my right because logic.
I would sit her on my lap and tuck her head down with one hand while petting her thoroughly with the other. Until she submitted ... sounds like she's trying to be the boss of you!

You don't need to hurt her. Just force her to submit to you. Including letting you handle and pet her. She'll learn.
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