Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

She just sneezes alot.

But other then that she preens, eats, drinks, and poops normally. She is getting her feather nubs right now, and her chick fluff should start shedding any time next week.

she doesn't rattle, just a short burst of air out of her nostrils and she continues with her chicken'y life.

Idk if it is just the color of her beak, or dirt, but there seems to always be something in her overly large nostrils.....

The first time my mom used the head of a pin to get a pretty big chunk of dried poo and wood chip out of her nose, but she still sneezes like there is something in there.

she just seems to sneeze alot

maybe she has allergies?

It does sound like allergies. I have a Buff Orphington that does the same thing.
She just sneezes alot. 

But other then that she preens, eats, drinks, and poops normally. She is getting her feather nubs right now, and her chick fluff should start shedding any time next week. 

she doesn't rattle, just a short burst of air out of her nostrils and she continues with her chicken'y life.

Idk if it is just the color of her beak, or dirt, but there seems to always be something in her overly large nostrils.....

The first time my mom used the head of a pin to get a pretty big chunk of dried poo and wood chip out of her nose, but she still sneezes like there is something in there.

she just seems to sneeze alot

maybe she has allergies?

Is the debris (wood chips, dried poo, etc) up inside her nostril or sorta stuck to it?
If she's getting stuff stuck in there, I'd tend to think that she had mucus in there that stuff was getting stuck to. .can u get a pic of her beak and nostrils? Preferably with stuff stuck in there and then one of after its out..??
I had a roo that was a rescue and he had something going on when I found him.. he would sneeze a lot and always looked like he had stuff in his it was mucus getting stuff stuck...I treated him with antibiotics for an out a week and he turned out just fine..he's actually a house chicken in town
If she's getting stuff stuck in there, I'd tend to think that she had mucus in there that stuff was getting stuck to. .can u get a pic of her beak and nostrils? Preferably with stuff stuck in there and then one of after its out..??
I had a roo that was a rescue and he had something going on when I found him.. he would sneeze a lot and always looked like he had stuff in his it was mucus getting stuff stuck...I treated him with antibiotics for an out a week and he turned out just fine..he's actually a house chicken in town
When I look, there is no liquid mucus. Just some dirt looking stuff, an the occasional wood chip shaving.

and awwwhhhh!! I assume you'r roo is spoiled rotten now?
Gorgeous ladies ♡♡
Your first picture is a great example of how the hens have rounded crest feathers for those wanting to sex their birds

Yes thank you. I'm hoping mine are just young and will round out
When I look, there is no liquid mucus. Just some dirt looking stuff, an the occasional wood chip shaving.

and awwwhhhh!!  I assume you'r roo is spoiled rotten now?

He was all white, even had a white beak, legs, etc..if I didn't know better I'd say he was an albino. .lol..but I couldn't really see the mucus, but after pulling stuff off and out of his nostrils 20x a piece finally came out wet looking... if you're not against antibiotics, maybe wouldn't hurt to try them for a week or so and see if there's any change?
If it were just sneezing, I would say allergies..but I've raised a lot of Polish and even tho their nostrils are huge compared to most breeds, they generally don't get debris in there without an underlying issue..unless yours has even exceptionally large nostrils even for a Polish?

And yes, he's living the life now...went from a "gutter baby"..literally caged in a dog crate 24/7 with a lot (didn't even count, but I'd guess at least 20) other roosters, all bigger. .6 or 8 inches of packed waste on the bottom, don't know how they didn't starve to death or die of dehydration. .
I lost a couple in the first few days..assume organ damage was too bad from the long term neglect. But the rest survived and are happy boys..I have 3 here that are yard birds and have a couple hens each..they all ignore the coops completely but all 3 roost in the top of a stall every night and their girls all go in one coop together..
The Polish boy turned out beautiful..i wanted to keep him but bc of the mucus issue, I was too afraid to introduce him to any of my flocks.. so he has a cockatoo and a duck as roommates, literally goes on walks to the park and everything.. I'll have to find the last pics she sent me of him.. if I were a rooster, I'd gladly trade places with him..hahahaha..
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Yes thank you. I'm hoping mine are just young and will round out

I've been keeping my fingers crossed for one time I got 20 chicks (I picked them out of the bin) and got 18 boys and 2 girls :\
But also just got 8 girls out of 10 chicks that I hatched.. I'd say you've got to get at least 1 girl..right..?? Lol..
I hope so ♡♡

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