Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

Not yet laying, but should be soon now!

I'm not sure why but I've only just got a notification for the thread and it seems I have missed quite a few posts :idunno

Thank you both, very much :D

I'm afraid this can happen and they will likely stay this way. Once the feathers are pretty much through that will be the shape of the crest. It's not an ideal trait for showing polish but non the less I still think my wonky crested ones are super birds and it does not detract from their personality :love
You are so correct. Voodoo is 12 weeks old now and with all that he has going on up top you can't even tell that his crest is lopsided. My husband likens it to a cowlick that can be styled. Tonight in fact he didn't even see that the girls had gone in for the night. I was able to get some good shots before he even noticed that I was there. As sweet as ever he just peeped softly as I put him im...
He started crowing a couple days ago at 22 weeks. He must have been a late bloomer! I had to find him a good home because we can't have roosters.
Beautiful birds. My problem is this with my polish.... I have a young rooster bantam that keeps pulling the feathers off their poor tails. Any idea how to stop this??? Poor babies are bald

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