Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

Getting 9 Polish chicks in about a month, 6 silver-laced and 3 gold-laced. How old are they going to be before I can tell if they are pullets or roo? Can only keep one roo, maybe, and want to know how long I have to feed this guys before selling them!
Getting 9 Polish chicks in about a month, 6 silver-laced and 3 gold-laced. How old are they going to be before I can tell if they are pullets or roo? Can only keep one roo, maybe, and want to know how long I have to feed this guys before selling them!
Maybe 3-4 months, the hens have a well put together crest, as for the roosters it's spikey and dangling ( usually ), also at some point you will see the difference in the tail feathers this could be at 5-6 month i'm not sure, because i raised polish and they are now 10 months old and i can clearly tell the difference but when i first started i didn't know anything and i would just pick things up along the way, if i raise polish chicks again i will certainly pay more attention to the details and be able to tell them apart easily, also at 3-4 months if you really pay attention you can see that the roosters are more hyper, curious and outgoing, as for the females they're shy not very hyper, and can be seen following the hyper ones ( probably roosters ) around. Finally, when they reached 7 months old my father told me that a long time ago when he had chicken, the roosters would have an extra small toe, above the foot and at rhe back of the leg, so i checked it and he was right i had two with extra toes which i had already identified them as rooster at an earlier age, and two hens with no toes so this way i was 100%sure of their sex. ( note that my SILKIE roosters don't have extra toes ) so maybe it's just for polish. Again i'm no expert but these are the things i picked up and helped me identify the roosters from the hens.
I have 8 Americanas and 3 WC polish and one of them is getting their crest pecked out. They are
all 8 weeks old and unsexed. Could it be from an agressive Americana roo? I may have one or two. Can you tell me what sex my 3 poles are? I have separated the picked on chick- it looks even more worse today than yesterday when these pics were taken.
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I have 8 Americanas and 3 WC polish and one of them is getting their crest pecked out. They are View attachment 1351234 all 8 weeks old and unsexed. Could it be from an agressive Americana roo? I may have one or two. Can you tell me what sex my 3 poles are? I have separated the picked on chick- it looks even more worse today than yesterday when these pics were taken.
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Your photo shows quite clearly why a polish crest will attract pecking. The feather bases are still enclosed in the feather sheaths, which is normal because a polish can't preen it's own head to remove them.

The feathers fall away revealing pink skull which other breeds will peck. I personally would separate out all the polish if you are already having problems with young birds as it will get much worse as they mature. I have seen a polish with it's skull pecked open, it's not a pretty sight.
Your photo shows quite clearly why a polish crest will attract pecking. The feather bases are still enclosed in the feather sheaths, which is normal because a polish can't preen it's own head to remove them.

The feathers fall away revealing pink skull which other breeds will peck. I personally would separate out all the polish if you are already having problems with young birds as it will get much worse as they mature. I have seen a polish with it's skull pecked open, it's not a pretty sight.

Oh, no! Thank you for your advice.

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