Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

My two Polish roosters, Golden Boy and Megamind.
My girls were accidents. I got some silver laced wyandottes from my local TSC, plopped them in their brooder with some food and water, and left them without looking them over much accept to check for pasty butt. The next day I went down, and low and behold, they had poofs on their heads! So began the polish journey. I had four to begin with, one died the second day I had them, and another was killed by my flock, so now the polish have their own pen, and I am trying to introduce them, but the way things have been going the past 8 months they will never go in with them. Their house is nothing special, but it is comfortable. It is a large doghouse with a roost, a rabbit nest box for egglaying and a bowl for food. The water lives outside in their 7x7 run. So far, my "babies" are 8 month old freeloaders, but their faces are finally reddening a bit so we are getting closer to the first egg. Is this breed typically a late-blooming one? I will get pictures of them and post them at some point, but it is too dark right now.
What gender do you think my golden laced polish (Chocolate) is? I’m leaning towards pullet but I can’t tell for sure. Chocolate is 8 weeks.


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Could you get a pic of the tail please? Chocolate does not look too big on the wattles but 8 weeks can some times be a tad early to tell for sure.

Are the 3 birds in front 8 weeks also?
I have two Polish a rooster and a hen. I also have 3 silkies. They all got along very well, but now my Polish are bullying my silkies. So my new task is to find my Polish a new home. I've tried everything to get them to stop.


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I originally bought 2 polish hens, but one turned out to be a Silkie, no problem, I have 4 others. But now only one polish. This is Miss Lilly, she is very spoiled and can be kinda demanding. If I'm paying attention to one of the other chickens she will hop up on the closest thing and either jump on my arm or grab my shirt and pull on it until I pick her up. Who could say no to a face like this :
IMG_20180802_160235.jpg 5 weeks old
IMG_20180912_223946.jpg IMG_20180912_224012.jpg 11 weeks.

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