Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

Hmm, maybe Easter Eggers aren't a great idea then. Thankfully the bullying seems to have basically stopped. I'm not even sure if it's real bullying or just normal pecking order and I just hate seeing them be "mean" lol the Australorps used to jump the Orps and one mounted an Easter Egger last week but they stopped that. Now it's just mostly when free ranging they'll occasionally peck when someone comes into their spot. Maybe I'll get some Orpingtons and Silkies and raise them together. Worst case scenario I could seperate them into a different pen or give them away
Maybe let the silkies be a week older haha, my crosses are a bit larger than their same age buddies.
This might be late, but I have a sweet buff Orpington with my silkies so it really depends on the Orpington hen. My Orpington sometimes cuddles with them or roosts haha.

My friend's Buff Orp was a gentle alpha most of the time until she went broody and then she got combative until the brood was grown. So not only the individual chicken needs to be considered but also the circumstance and dynamics going on around her at any given time. Generally people love their Orps but hormonal broodiness can change a hen's attitude until she snaps out of it. I just find it easier to keep smaller less dual-purpose breeds around Silkies so that there isn't a huge weight/size difference in case someone suddenly goes combative then Silkies have a fairer chance at defense. A 7-lb usually sweet Buff Orp that suddenly goes hormonal fighting with a 2-lb Silkie and guess who gets the short end of the stick? I don't keep any breed over 5-lbs with the Silkies now. But everyone needs to make their own choices
I got my first three silkies at TSC of all places!  Simply pet quality, but just loved them!  All three were taken be a hawk the following fall and I became somewhat preoccupied with getting more.  I do have more now, and have been hatching eggs from my own silkies.  Once again, pet quality but that is all I am interested in.  They have such personality and love to be held and greeted by name.  I will never be without a silkie!

Hi I have 2 silkies and I have always heard that they are so friendly and love to be held and petted. Mine however, get frightened very easily and run away if I try to pet them. Is this a matter of age(they are two months old)? Or is there anything you did to make them like you better?
Hey guys! I currently don't have any silkies, and I never have. But I am very interested in them. I have a few questions.
1. Can they fly? I have heard somewhere that they can't because of their feather but that could just be a myth or something.
2. How big are they? Are they standard or bantam?
3. Does anyone know of any good breeders around Philadelphia PA?
4. This might be a little silly, but how soft are they?
Thanks in advance for any/all questions answered
1. Nope, they aren't flyers and are easily contained by short fences. They can hop, but only a couple of feet. Low roosts and low fences work for Silkies.
2. Silkies are bantams in the US, they have both sizes in Europe though.
3. There are some fabulous breeders in PA, I can't think of them right off the top of my head....I'll get back to you on that one. Or, you could pop into the Where Am I? Where Are You? section of the forum and hook up with all the wonderful folks on your states thread.
4. They're snuggly soft. Not cat fur soft, but they do feel more like fur than feathers.

If you're looking for an easily contained, docile, small, ADORABLE bird, get them. You wont regret it. However, be warned, if you have other breeds, the Silkies docile nature tends to make them targets for more active birds. I've never had much luck keeping them with other breeds, they get bullied. They're worth it, I can't imagine my life without them :)
Hey guys! I currently don't have any silkies, and I never have. But I am very interested in them. I have a few questions.
1. Can they fly? I have heard somewhere that they can't because of their feather but that could just be a myth or something. They aren't the best, some can roost some don't. They usually sleep on the ground cuddled together.
2. How big are they? Are they standard or bantam?
Bantam size
3. Does anyone know of any good breeders around Philadelphia PA? I'm sorry I don't know
4. This might be a little silly, but how soft are they?
I call mine balls of fluff haha very soft and fluffy
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Thanks guys! We are looking for more chickens and the perfect chicken breeds and we kind of have a deadline since we lost two of our girls to predators and only have one now. We do like a mixed flock, but we have an Australorp and I'm not sure if that would work with the silkies, but I'd really like one.
I have handled mine from the very beginning, whether I hatched them or got them as chicks. They do go through at "teenage" stage where they freak out no matter what when you try to pick them up or hold them. Just keep it up, and give them treats like sweet corn and melon so they start to relate those treats with you!
I have handled mine from the very beginning, whether I hatched them or got them as chicks. They do go through at "teenage" stage where they freak out no matter what when you try to pick them up or hold them. Just keep it up, and give them treats like sweet corn and melon so they start to relate those treats with you!

I have handled them since they were just a few days old and I try to give them occasional treats. Hopefully it's just the teenage stage! Thanks!

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