Chicken Breeds & Eggs

Suburban Sprouts

9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
St. Louis, MO
I'm curious about two things:

1. What are some chicken breeds that are good about laying eggs even in the winter? I have heard that Speckled Sussex are among those to lay well into cold weather.

2. What are some breeds that tend to start laying earlier? I have heard the leghorns and red stars generally start laying at 18 weeks.

I already have my chickens and whatnot, but I'm just curious if anyone knows of other breeds that fit into these categories.
I have golden comets and dekalb amberlinks. Just got this year and they all started laying between 16 and 18 weeks of age. I got them because they are supposed to lay throughout most of the winter if not all.

Also believe that plymouth rocks will lay throughout the winter but cant be 100% certain.
Black Australorps lay throughout winter. They are AWESOME and one of my favorite breeds that I have. Mine seem to come from a line that is ALWAYS broody in the spring (all of them) and right now I have 3 co-parenting 9 chicks that they hatched out. Haven't lost one of their chicks yet (and the babies are about a month old and freeranging.
I have Buff Orpingtons and a Faverolle. Both continued to lay through the winter, which was very cold as I live in Maine. I must warn you that 2 BO's out of 9 have been persistantly broody this summer. When they do this they stop laying. My Faverolle has been my best and most consistant layer out of last years batch but she's a bit shy.

I ordered chicks this year that have either a rose comb or a pea comb due to the high risk of frostbite in my area. I hope you find a breed that fills your needs

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