Chicken breeds

Ok well I was just wondering to see how far away u were to see if u would sell eggs to me but I already found someone a couple minutes closer to me than that and I still haven't decided which person to get them from and if I we're to talk to someone else about the, then that would just make it harder to choose thanks though
Ok well I was just wondering to see how far away u were to see if u would sell eggs to me but I already found someone a couple minutes closer to me than that and I still haven't decided which person to get them from and if I we're to talk to someone else about the, then that would just make it harder to choose thanks though
I hope you find the chickens for you please post pics when you get some
So far I've had about 12 different breeds of chickens. I have to admit most I really didn't care for. I do like the Buff Orpington. But I had too much problem with their poop sticking to their feathers which kept them bald back there. My favorite of what I've had is the Gold Laced Wyandotte. I've found those are hard to find when I want them, but I have some coming month.

My new favorite is the Swedish ISbars and the Bielenfilders. The lay nice and are just do darn docile. I have some other breeds now also. I'm just searching for my flock stock. With the Wyandottes, the only thing I did not like is the roosters. Everyone of them, out of five, were friendly up to a point, but when they turned bad, they would attack at all times and most times from the back side. I have a mark on my knee from a spur from last year. None of those bad boys are still around.
Hi , I choose my 3 hens for egg color, quiet and friendly . i got all 3 and love the color of my egg crate . new Hampshire red , red brown egg. Ameraucana with her light blue egg, Plymoth rock with a tan color egg. so far the plymouth is a 7egg a week . the other 2 5-6 a week. the red has given me a double yoke once a week

So far I've had about 12 different breeds of chickens. I have to admit most I really didn't care for. I do like the Buff Orpington. But I had too much problem with their poop sticking to their feathers which kept them bald back there. My favorite of what I've had is the Gold Laced Wyandotte. I've found those are hard to find when I want them, but I have some coming month.

 My new favorite is the Swedish ISbars and the Bielenfilders. The lay nice and are just do darn docile.  I have some other breeds now also. I'm just searching for my flock stock. With the Wyandottes, the only thing I did not like is the roosters. Everyone of them, out of five, were friendly up to a point, but when they turned bad, they would attack at all times and most times from the back side. I have a mark on my knee from a spur from last year. None of those bad boys are still around.

That's funny you like the GL Wyandottes, out of all my chicken breeds that is the only one that has poop on her feathers because Wyandottes are so fluffy back there. I've also heard Wyandottes are harder to breed because of that.

My favorite breeds are Easter Eggers, Arucanas with their cute rumpless ends, and my Specakled Sussex is so curious and friendly (and colorful
So far I've had about 12 different breeds of chickens. I have to admit most I really didn't care for. I do like the Buff Orpington. But I had too much problem with their poop sticking to their feathers which kept them bald back there. My favorite of what I've had is the Gold Laced Wyandotte. I've found those are hard to find when I want them, but I have some coming month.

 My new favorite is the Swedish ISbars and the Bielenfilders. The lay nice and are just do darn docile.  I have some other breeds now also. I'm just searching for my flock stock. With the Wyandottes, the only thing I did not like is the roosters. Everyone of them, out of five, were friendly up to a point, but when they turned bad, they would attack at all times and most times from the back side. I have a mark on my knee from a spur from last year. None of those bad boys are still around.

Yes u can get those at a few hatcherys
Look up Murry Mc'murry hatchery they'll send a free catalog with all pict's and information on chickins. Ilive in Tn. Hot in summer verry cold winter I have red stars and black strars The lay large brown eggsall year long, do verry well in winter
I have an Americauna, a Coo Coo Marans, and a Buff Orpington. All hens. The buff is the sweetest. She's also the only one that went broody. They all are pretty good layers. We got the Americauna when she was a couple months old. She never lets us touch her. The other two tolerate holding, but I got them at a week old, so I'm not sure if that's why.
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