Chicken broody?

When I went to check on eggs yesterday I heard cherping and pushed her over and there was a chick and one egg under her smashed and chick was dead.when she seen live chick roll out she started pecking it and it pecked a hole in its stomache so I went out later and there was another one under her and I took it in and put in my incubator that quail were hatching and it's fine but I don't no why she did that to the first one.there is 5 more under her so I don't no if there food or not..they was supposed to hatch today.
When I went to check on eggs yesterday I heard cherping and pushed her over and there was a chick and one egg under her smashed and chick was dead.when she seen live chick roll out she started pecking it and it pecked a hole in its stomache so I went out later and there was another one under her and I took it in and put in my incubator that quail were hatching and it's fine but I don't no why she did that to the first one.there is 5 more under her so I don't no if there food or not..they was supposed to hatch today.

Poor baby...she probably just freaked out...huh?
maybe they will hatch soon?
I have 2 broody hens and no rooster. It has been over 2 months thought they would give up. I take any eggs the other chickens lay in there every day but they are persistent. Starting to worry about their health. What can I do to get them off the nest?
Freeze some gallon size zip lock them in their nest.
Take the hen and place her in a "dog cage" for a few days.
. This is a pic of the chick that has hatched..
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My first experience with broody chicken.she has been staying in coop all day but just a little while out of it..she stays in and whines all day and fights me for the I went and got a dozen fertile eggs and put in her box and she went right back in and sat on them and pushed all under her..think she really is broody..I hope she hatches these

How was your chicken behaving while she was brooding? My chicken has been in the nesting box almost all day long and I'm trying to determine if she may be brooding...

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