Chicken can’t walk???


Dec 22, 2022
Our chicken was limping a few weeks ago. It seems her left leg was injured. Checked for everything (bumble foot, other injury, everything google says to check for) she is fine. Figured she might have sprained it coming down the coop ramp in the rain.
Now fast forward a few weeks, it seems she is way worse and both legs don’t work. I’ll post a video of me trying to get her to walk. She still eats and drinks when I give her food. Don’t want her to be in pain but I’d rather try to nurse her to health before having to put her down. Any advice/insight?


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For video, upload to YouTube and provide a link.

How old is she?
If she's old enough to lay eggs, when was the last one?
What do you feed?

I'd place her where she can easily get to food/water and start her vitamin therapy to see if that helps. Give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily.
For video, upload to YouTube and provide a link.

How old is she?
If she's old enough to lay eggs, when was the last one?
What do you feed?

I'd place her where she can easily get to food/water and start her vitamin therapy to see if that helps. Give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily.
She is less than a year old. Laid an egg yesterday. We feed a non gmo 16% layer pellet.
Going to get some vitamins this afternoon and pray that works!

Video of her not walking.

Thanks for the reply.
Any chance she ate something moldy or rotten (like compost)?

I'd try the vitamins and see if they help.
Another chicken just started limping today. Does this mean meraks for sure? Do I need to separate them or is it too late for my flock?
Another chicken just started limping today. Does this mean meraks for sure? Do I need to separate them or is it too late for my flock?
No, it doesn't necessarily mean Marek's.

Think about your flock, your set up, could the hens be getting injured somehow jumping from roosts or being chased down by an aggressive rooster. Evaluate food, see if there's any food that has gotten spilled or moldy, have they eaten anything rotten or moldy (compost, going through mulch, etc.), could they have been exposed to something toxic like oil spilled, fertilizer, grass/weed killer...think about it all.

Separate them out if they are having difficulty getting to food/water or are getting picked on. If they do have Marek's, then the others have been exposed. The only way to really know if it's Marek's is to have testing done. I think there are blood sample tests you can have done, but the most accurate of course if through necropsy.
Do you have an update, I'm having an identical situation.
Welcome To BYC

Can you start a thread about your chicken - include information/photos/video that would be helpful to your situation.

Age, symptoms, timeline, feed, treatment(s) if any, your location (state is fine), photos, video, housing, etc.

Do you have an update, I'm having an identical situation.
I’m so sorry to hear that. She is doing SO a much better. We found she had 2 huge wounds on either side of her from mating. Really bad injury’s. We isolated her and healed the wounds and now she is doing much better, although she prefers to hangout in the coop where my giant rooster can’t get her. So I’d say she is able to walk and started laying eggs every now and then, but isn’t 100% back to her old self. Never did any testing for merecks disease, because the rest of my flock seems fine and no vets around. Going to try to deworm everyone too, once I can find a good dewormer.

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